Select projects I have built to keep my skill-set fresh and relevant…
- HTML5, CSS3 Animations, JavaScript
- React, ReactNative, Redux
- Bootstrap, Reactstrap
- npm, webpack
- Sass
- Git, GitHub
- TypeScript
Project: NuCamp Site
- DESCRIPTIONI wanted to get my hands dirty with React, so I enrolled in a bootcamp. This is the project created for the React portion.
- TECHNOLOGIES USEDReact, Redux, React Router, NPM, Reactstrap, JSON, CSS, JSX, CreateAsyncThunk, Formik, Webpack
- NOTESTry logging in with made-up creds, and see your avatar appear. Client-side error handling. Click on Directory, then select a campsite and leave a review - keep it clean, please!
Project: Natours
- DESCRIPTIONA fun landing page with lots of CSS Animations.
- TECHNOLOGIES USEDHTML5, Sass, Pure CSS image effects and animations, Advanced Responsive Layout
- NOTESBe sure to click the hamburger menu for more animation demos. Designed by Jonas Schmedtmann for his Udemy course, "Advanced CSS and Sass."
Project: Personal Task Manager
- DESCRIPTIONA simple personal task manager.
- TECHNOLOGIES USEDReact, TypeScript, npm, Material UI, node API, MySQL, TypeORM, React Query, deployed on AWS
- NOTESAdd a task (keep it clean, please), change the status of a task to IN PROGRESS and watch the status change. Mark a task complete and watch it disappear.
- LIVE LINKhttp://